Welcome to Morganix

MORGANIX™ Pro Jel™ offers a comprehensive range of products ideally suited to help ease most forms of muscle & joint pain. Our products are formulated using extracts derived from natural origins of essential oils, plant extracts & contain no petrochemical derivatives, making MORGANIX™ Pro Jel™ one of the most natural muscle & joint pain relief choices available in South Africa.

MORGANIX™ Pro Jel™ Natural Remedies “the way it used to be”

Morganix was formed in 2007 to develop and market a range of natural health supplements. After extensive research and trials, Morganix has brought to the market a range of strain relieving gels, nutritional supplements for osteo-related joint and muscle support, a massage oil and a muscle soak under the Pro Jel™ name, all formulated to ease to ease aching muscles and joints.

Morganix was determined that the Pro Jel™ products would be simple to use and give immediate and lasting relief. Our experience with horses and riders formed an important foundation for the research. The Pro Jel™ range of products is registered with the Medical Control Council under Complementary Medicines Act. The products contain all natural ingredients, right down to the preservatives used.


I told you I’ve had tendonitis in my feet since we got back from Croatia in mid September. I have had orthotics made and Hilton (bless him) has massaged my feet regularly with arnica oil and/or traumeel. But every morning I hobble around on feet that feel like the bones have collapsed in them. I started using your Sport jel on Thursday, and by Sunday I could get up and walk in the morning without hobbling. I can’t think of any other reason that my feet could suddenly have just “got better”! I still have some tendonitis in my Achilles tendons which seems to be taking longer to resolve, but I will continue with your gel.

So, could I please have 2 more Sport jels (do they come in bigger sizes?) for myself and my mom would like an Osteo to give to a friend! Any time you are passing would be great – thanks.

I am now going to try it on my neck and jaw (I was diagnosed with hyperflexive joint disease and TMJ disease) and suffer from chronic muscle spasms in my face, neck and back. I’ll let you know how that goes as I’ve had very little relief (and spent lots of money) on other remedies.
If it works, I will be your best advert ever! 23 years of headaches…………. And you’ll be my best friend!!!!

Take care and see you soon.


Thank you for helping me get on with my life and giving me virtually a pain free shoulder.

Three and a half years ago I had a freak accident and fractured my shoulder. I had an emergency operation and had several plates, screws etc. inserted by a reputable surgeon. Eighteen months later after unbearable pain I consulted another top surgeon, where I underwent another operation to my shoulder. Although the operation did help I still had difficulty lifting my arm.

When we met late last year, you suggested I try the Pro Jel Therapy Capsules. Even after taking them for only one month I could feel a difference. This is my third month taking the capsules and must tell you that I am now able to lift my arm a lot easier and virtually pain free.

I would definitely recommend Pro Jel to everyone.

Many thanks
Warm Regards,

This is a story about Lizzie a thoroughbred bulldog we inherited and is currently 5 years old.

When Lizzie was two and a half years old she suffered from severe hip problems. After many visits to the Vet it was advised for Lizzie to have a double hip replacement. Each hip replacement was quoted in the region of R35 000.00 per hip.

Unfortunately due to financial constraints we made the decision to put Lizzie on painkillers. In conjunction with the painkillers she did water therapy on a weekly basis at a cost R100.00 per session, plus travel and the pain Lizzie went through lifting her in and out of the car. Although this did reduce the pain it did not eliminate the problem.

When we used to lift her up to put her in the bed, she would cry, even with the painkillers and the water therapy.

I was introduced to a product named Morganix Pro Joint Canine which is a naturally formulated food supplement. We have been using the product for plus minus five months and we have seen an unbelievable improvement in her condition.
Lizzie is now able to jump on the bed completely unassisted without as much as a whimper.

Lizzie has gone from being a fairly aggressive dog to a happy friendly dog.

Hayley Thompson.

I have been using various equine supplements for over 40 years on my horses. Though I am sure they have all had beneficial effects I have never actually noted a specific case of difference with using a specific product. That is until I started using Pro Joint. I have an imported Hanoverian broodmare who has suffered with a locking hock. As she got older and with more weight from pregnancies the problem compounded. I started using Pro Joint and within a month I found a noticeable difference. Within three months, the problem is hardly noticeable. I can completely recommend Pro joint.


Stafford Robinson
Sporthorse Breeder (Berghof Sporthorses)
Qualified racehorse Trainer (New Zealand Permit to Train)